ATTENTION FOOTBALL BETTORS: Call Ty Gaston direct at 1-855-TYGASTON. The VIP Club for NFL or NCAA is $1295! Get the Code Zebra Club NFL or NCAA Football Club for just $1795. The Personal Players Club for Football is $8500 for NFL and NCAA Football.
Call 1-855-TYGASTON or email magiccostarica@aol.com to order via Bank of America Deposit, Paypal, Zelle or Moneygram
Ty “Magic” Gaston is THE “HIGHEST WIN PERCENTAGE” Handicapper in the nation for the past 5 years on his free daily video report at 68.3% winners! All videos are at youtube.com/tygaston for documentation and proof of 71.3% of winners in 2023.
This site is intended to give you valuable information that will help educate yourself about handicapping issues. Just look at my track record…in the 2010 NCAA Tournament, my Code Zebra plays went an astounding 35 wins and 4 losses or 89% winners against the spread.
Enjoy your visit to my website and please feel free to email me HERE